Global debt is one of the main contributors of monetarily based emergencies such as the global depression in 2008. Projections show that excessive debt is one of the main challenges facing economies and markets the world over. Slower growth is therefore expected if such concerns are not addressed. However, blockchain technology promises to play a role in helping resolve this problem. Through Tokenisation, it is now possible for individuals to hold stakes in digital assets that would help them overcome financial uncertainties. Onus Coin is pioneering this field by helping individuals reduce their financial debt.
Onus coin platform will help users to borrow loans from one another, store their assets and gain value on loans. These assets could not be insured in the traditional systems like banks which do not lend to certain individuals based on a risk assessment which is skewed. In addition, the Onus system helps and offers a form of investment to individuals in order for them to avoid using all their income and earnings in consumables that do not or otherwise have any interest.
Furthermore, banks are offered an opportunity to use tokens as a reserve fund in order to help overcome the financial crisis. Therefore Onus coin helps in building assets and providing a reserve for assets thereby solving the problem of financial debts that is the current case facing institutions and individuals.
Onus Coin, therefore, seeks to raise funds in order to execute this mission. The funds raised will be used to build the platform, market to the interested investors and bring users to the platform. Our roadmap is also ambitious and seeks to ensure the development of an all-round product and become a revolutionary product in the market.
Our PRE ICO is ready and it is an Ethereum token. Pre-sale will determine the first cap and the ICO will be launched in first week of January 2018.
80% of the coins will be available for sale under PREICO and ICO.
10% tokens will be reserved
During the PRE ICO SALE, there will be direct referral bonuses of 10% being provided to participants and same will continue during ICO and referral program will be extended making lending staking and trading more profitable.
Main ICO details
Total available supply: 10 million
Available for PRE ICO & ICO supply: 8 million
Direct Referral Bonus: 10%
1st Cap USD 0.27 1.8 million coins capped 10 days
2nd cap USD 0.61 2.4 million coins capped 10 days
3rd cap USD 1.3 million coins capped 10 days
Onus Coin will be backed by lending staking and trading and shorter supply makes it more likely to gain stability while lending,staking will slower the supply so these two factors will be more effective for the market. Join Onus Coin and dive into the future of financial management.
Learn more about Onus coin and interact with their community by visiting the following links.